In America today, citizens of color and religious minorities continue to be victimized by hate crimes – criminal expressions of bigotry that terrorize entire communities and fray the social fabric of our country. People are still judged by the color of their skin, the religion they practice, their sexual preferences, or their political ideology. They are too frequently robbed of their rights by men and women and systems duty-bound to protect them.
Other minorities also face discrimination and mistreatment. Immigrants seeking a better life are detained at the border. Young children are separated from their parents and locked in cages. Even those who have lived and worked in this country for decades, remained law-abiding, with no criminal record, face deportation. The LBTQ+ community is continuously confronted with discrimination and mistreatment— stripped of rights afforded to others. They are discriminated against because they are different than the norm.
Issues of race, diversity, and inclusion have been simmering under the surface for many years until now. The signs are right in front of us, and they are warning us. We can’t let this newfound attention fade away. We need to seek to understand and empathize with the injustice that has been displayed and focus on finding solutions. What has happened to George Floyd and so many others cannot be left unchecked. For, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Remember what MLK did to make a difference – he spoke out. So, don’t dismiss your voice or ability to influence change. All it takes is one person to stand up, show courage, and say, “ENOUGH.” For, all movements start with one person who chose not to remain silent.
In the face of injustice, I believe storytelling can transform our world. That is what ultimately led to The Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series. Each novel seeks to educate, inform, suggest, and implement better ways to deal with social justice issues affecting all of us. Hopefully, people will read them and embrace their intent, whether or not they agree with their suggested solutions. And, if my words are not enough, I hope readers will find their own sense of empowerment to lead America to a better tomorrow. Whether you lead a podcast, write a blog, join a debate, sign a petition, or participate in a peaceful demonstration, the world will be a better place if each of us takes even a small step to do good.