As a young child, EM loved to read, especially picture books with stories in rhyme. He even conjured up his own stories, sharing them with family members, anyone who would listen. He has developed his storytelling and writing quite a bit since then, but the thrill of language and creation he first discovered as a child has stayed with him. An English Literature major in college, Em continued to write. He decided to become a lawyer and found his next passion, JUSTICE. Today, after writing several Zachary Blake Legal Thrillers under his given name, Mark M. Bello, Em has returned to his roots and written a new series of Children's safety and social justice picture books. Are your children ready for the "real" world? If not, Em's social justice and safety stories in rhyme will provide them the tools they need to succeed. Please get in touch if you’ve got any comments, questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello. Em is excited to hear from you.

Jack has always been a very happy little boy.
But when he starts kindergarten, he discovers he is different than the others. For the very first time, he is bullied—Happy Jack suddenly becomes Sad Jack.
What should Jack do? Should he tell an adult? His parents? Would his teacher or principal understand? What can they do to help?
As parents, we want certain things for our kids. Mainly, we want them to be happy. Can today’s kids celebrate their differences, or are they doomed to fight over them like generations before?
Jack’s school community learns an important lesson as attorney/author Mark M. Bello presents Jack’s compelling story in rhyme, beautifully and dramatically illustrated by Melinda Falgoust:
“People are different in color, shape, size.
Ears, noses, mouths, and different shaped eyes.
Different races, and genders—more, too.
Christian or Buddhist, or Muslim or Jew.
But there’s one thing in common we all have in this place.
We are all valued members of this human race.”
Happy Jack Sad Jack: A Bullying Story is a must read for all children and one your child will never forget.